For instance, a research article published in December 2013 in PLOS ONE found that organic whole milk contained significantly higher concentrations of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids compared to milk from cows raised on conventionally managed dairy farms. The quality of food is also determined by its taste. Chemical are also incorporated in the irrigation water to prevent insects from stealing the planted seeds. What is Organic Farming? Here are some great organic farming articles for beginners (or anyone interested in organic farming): These are just some of the top benefits of organic farming: In general, certified organic produce is grown without the following: preservatives, radiation, genetic modification, sewage sludge, synthetic fertilizers, and chemical pesticides. What were these rats eating? This is why we need organic farming methods that produce disease and pest-resistant crops to guarantee a sustainable future. The population groups most affected by pesticide use are farmworkers and … In fact, he will not even irrigate with council water, which is normally chlorinated to kill any bacteria. She started her journey into the world of plants when she was 12 years old. Organic agriculture should be practiced in a careful and responsible manner to benefit the present and future generations and the environment. 5 Major Benefits of Organic Farming. Nitrogen fixation in soils using legumes, 4. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved…”. We represent our members to government on sector needs, market development and promotion, and strong organic standards and regulations. This has led to the proliferation of commercially produced foods that have increased dangerous diseases like cancer. Conventional farming has turned into very big business. Organic farming continues to become more and more popular — consumer demand is growing and there is no sign of it slowing down any time soon. Companion plant is another aspect of organic farming. A biodynamic farmer operates his or her farm as its own tiny world. These are just some of the top benefits of organic farming: 1. (9, 10). COVID-19: Get the latest updates on how we’re supporting organic farms and businesses through the Coronavirus crisis. Organic food often tastes better than other food. (And In Which Season), When To Cut Back Peonies? The term “100 percent orgacnic” is used for certified organically farmed produce. These chemicals only come with a lot of complications like genetic problems, cancer risks, growth of tumor and other complications at the outset of puberty. This includes having an expansive social media presence, as well as actively engaging with the press to share facts about organic methods, benefits, and milestones. The sugar content in organically grown fruits and vegetables provides them with extra taste. In biodynamic agriculture, the farm is seen as an organism in and of itself, meaning the soil, crops and animals are all one system. This group of fruits and vegetables are typically referred to as the Dirty Dozen. DDT was a pesticide banned for agricultural use in the United States in 1972, but DDT breakdown products are still being found in the bodies of American citizens years later. It relies on ecologically balanced agricultural principles like crop rotation, green manure, organic waste, biological pest control, mineral and rock additives. Better still, the organic farmer can use a flame weeder to exterminate weeds or use animals to eat away the weeds. Our members have access to our key media relationships, proactive outreach strategies and fast and effective crisis communications. Rearing of livestock, taking care of housing, nutrition, health, rearing and breeding, 6. The nutritional value of a food item is determined by its mineral and vitamin content. Statistics show that genetically modified foods (GMOs) are contaminating natural foods sources at real scary pace, manifesting grave effects beyond our comprehension. In order for a product to say that it is “made with organic ingredients” then it needs to have at least 70 percent organic ingredients. Overall, organic farming creates a healthy mutualistic atmosphere for its plants and makes a point to work with the natural environment rather than destroy it. Our Board of Directors is democratically elected by our members. Walking to Lose Weight: How to Make It Work! Workers on a conventional farm are regularly exposed to synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers. When crops are rotated, then it’s much harder for weeds to thrive. This enables the storage of organic food for a longer time. Secondly, multiple cropping practiced in organic farming boosts biodiversity which enhances productivity and resilience and contributes to a healthy farming system. Companion planting is when one type of plant is purposely planted near another because they grow well together. Organic food comes from organic farming. And farming chemicals aren’t just linked to diseases like cancer and developmental problems in humans, either. What is crop rotation? He will depend on natural rain or harvest and stored rainwater to use during dry months. (And Do They Bloom Back), Can You Recycle Wax Paper? Consumer demand for organically produced goods continues to show double-digit growth. Nitrate runoff during rains contaminates water resources. Purchasing food items from organic farmers is a surefire investment in a cost-effective future. Organic farmers use natural farming techniques that don’t harm humans and the environment. This means that organic farms aren’t polluting the soil and nearby bodies of water with harmful and toxic chemicals. Consuming food that contains pesticides causes pesticide buildup in our bodies. According to a report by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a vast majority of pesticides are consumed by the population stem from poultry, meat, eggs, fish and dairy product since animals and birds that produce these products sit on top of the food chain. These two classes of agriculture share a lot of common attributes. This is because organic farmers don’t use chemicals at any stage of the food-growing process like their commercial counterparts. In the last decade, the production and consumption of organic food have increased steadily worldwide, despite the lower productivity of organic crops. (And How to Keep Them Away), Do Deer Eat Peonies? It’s time governments invested in organic farming technologies to mitigates these problems and secure the future. Organic products reduce public health risks to farm workers, their families, and consumers by minimizing their exposure to toxic and persistent chemicals on the farm and in food, the soil in which they work and play, the air they breathe, and the water they drink. We’re talking about some really potent chemicals that are known to have immediate negative health effects, including eye irritation, rashes, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and headaches. So what’s the difference between organic soil and non-organic soil? Organic foods do not contain any chemicals. (31) The USDA has set “safe limits” on the pesticide reside amounts fruits and vegetables are allowed to retain, but are these small amounts really safe? These quality checks and investigations weed out quacks who want to benefit from the organic food label by delivering commercially produced foods instead. Organic farming is becoming more and more important in India as the country realizes the devastating effects of conventional farming. It all starts with you buying food items from known organic sources. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Crop rotation also aids in the reduction of soil erosion, something more and more important as floods and flood damage is becoming a more prevalent and expensive problem for society. In general, soil is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water and air. However, even some natural substances (such as arsenic and tobacco dust) are not allowed because they’re known to have negative impacts on health. Many health problems have been linked to exposure to pesticide-based agrochemicals including memory loss, food allergies, diabetes, cancer, obesity, infertility and Parkinson’s Disease. Organic farming is a technique, which involves the cultivation of plants and rearing of animals in natural ways. On organic farms, the preventive use of antibiotics is restricted and animals are given more space to roam in natural conditions, which lowers their risk for infections.


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