They have a rich blood supply to keep a concentration gradient. These proteins use ATP hydrolysis to pump materials against their concentration gradients. Cytoplasm: The water-based gel where the organelles of all living cells are suspended. 2. And when you have this situation where you have a higher concentration and then a lower concentration, we call this a concentration gradient. concentration gradient in a sentence - Use "concentration gradient" in a sentence 1. In cell biology, a diffusion is a main form of transport for necessary materials such as amino acids within cells. Gradient Definition noun, plural: gradients (1) A slope , which may be upward or downward. A solution with a low solute concentration has a high water concentration, and a high water potential. Concentration Gradient Definition Biology. For example, a few drops of food dye in a glass of water diffuse along the concentration gradient, from where the dye exists in its highest concentration (for instance, the brightest blue or red) to where it occurs in its lowest concentration (the water is still clear). Synonym(s): concentration gradient concentration gradient: a solution in which the concentration (density) of a solute increases in a continuous fashion from top to bottom, or end to end, of a container (for example, the centrifuge tube in density-gradient centrifugation). Biology is brought to you with support from the. Definition: Concentration equilibrium. It is broken down into many fields, reflecting the complexity of life from the atoms and molecules of biochemistry to the interactions of millions of organisms in ecology. Biology: Chapter 16 - Plant responses to abiotic stress (could add to) 3 Terms. Pure water has the highest water potential. A concentration gradient occurs where the concentration of something changes over a certain distance. Others can smell the scent because some of those molecules are always traveling away from the perfumed person, the source, out into the air—moving down the concentration gradient, from a high concentration to a lower concentration. When there is no difference in concentration. Concentration gradient: The gradient between an area where a substance is at a high concentration and an area where it the substance is at a low concentration. The concentration of scent molecules is highest on areas of the skin that have had perfume or aftershave directly applied. Denatured [1] The diffusion of solvents, such as water, through a semipermeable membrane, is classified as osmosis. A concentration gradient occurs where the concentration of something changes over a certain distance. Biology is the study of living things. For example, a few drops of food dye in a glass of water diffuse along the concentration gradient, from where the dye exists in its highest concentration (for instance, the brightest blue or red) to where it occurs in its lowest concentration (the water is still clear). This biology dictionary is here to help you learn about all sorts of biology terms, principles, and life forms. The concentration is changing from high to low and so we call this a concentration, concentration... concentration gradient. Decomposers: Microorganisms that break down waste products and dead matter. (2) The degree of steepness or inclination, e.g., of a road or other geographic features.


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