decline sit-up is a exercise for those with a beginner level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Execution Secure your feet in the pads of a decline sit-up bench. The decline abdominal crunch or sit up is an effective strength-building workout that adds definition to your abs. Begin by curling your chest towards your hips and raising your torso off the bench until you are sitting vertically. Watch the decline sit-up video, learn how to do the decline sit-up, and then be sure and browse through the decline sit-up workouts on our workout plans page! The rotational decline weighted situp creates a ton of time under tension and requires high level body control, so Samuel says that 3 sets of 8 to 10 good reps will rock you. Then control the descent, reversing the motion, … As a matter of fact, the decline crunch is a fairly simple exercise that will not just improve your core but also help you get closer to having a six pack ab. Sit on the bench with your legs resting through the pads. Lay on a decline sit-up bench with your legs hooked so that you are stable. How To Do Decline Sit-Ups. Decline Sit Up Instructions Set the decline bench to an angle of between 30 and 45 degrees (the more than angle, the harder the situps will be). Hold your fingers at the sides of your head or across your chest. Decline Sit-Up - Exercise demonstration video and information for Olympic weightlifting - The decline sit-up is a trunk and hip flexion exercise that allows greater difficulty through a longer range of motion compared to the sit-up.


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