Breeds in reed beds, crashing through the reeds in short flights and bending stems when perched. Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i., Květná 8, 60365, Brno, Czech Republic, Miroslav Capek, Petr Procházka, Marcel Honza & Milica Požgayová, Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Viničná 7, 12844, Prague 2, Czech Republic, Tereza Petrusková, Zuzana Šebelíková & Jesús Campos Serrano, You can also search for this author in J Anim Ecol 65:147–153, Parejo D, Avilés JM (2007) Do avian brood parasites eavesdrop on heterospecific sexual signals revealing host quality? Behav Ecol Sociobiol 66:1305–1310, Soler JJ, Soler M, Møller AP, Martínez JG (1995) Does the Great Spotted Cuckoo choose Magpie hosts according to their parenting ability? A review of the evidence. UFS (Delta Marsh) annual report, vol 29. Helm, London, Kloubec B, Capek M (2011) Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)—singing activity. A. arundinacius has a primarily carnivorous diet. In Acrocephalus warblers, monogamous species have evolved long, complex and variable songs for mate attraction largely through intersexual selection. Subscription will auto renew annually. Google Scholar, Bradbury JW, Vehrencamp SL (2011) Principles of animal communication, 2nd edn. Univ Tor J Undergrad Life Sci 3:47–49. In: Espmark Y, Amundsen T, Rosenqvist G (eds) Animal signals. Tapir Academic, Trondheim, pp 301–315, Seppä J (1969) The Cuckoo’s ability to find a nest where it can lay an egg. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 27:403–410, Capek M Jr, Kloubec B (2002) Seasonal and diel patterns of song output by Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Call a high-pitched “krrrrr." ) als Hinweise auf den Standort der Nester Es gibt Fälle, in denen Brutparasiten von akustischen oder visuellen Signalen, die mit der Brutaktivität des Wirts verbunden sind, angezogen werden. Additionally, we measured male song characteristics that we assumed to be most audible, and thus potentially the most conspicuous to the Common Cuckoo. Condor 97:361–368, Vogl W, Taborsky M, Taborsky B, Teuschl Y, Honza M (2002) Cuckoo females preferentially use specific habitats when searching for host nests. The relationship between song repertoire size and reproductive success was investigated in a population of great reed warblers breeding in southern Germany. Financial support for this research was provided by the Czech Science Foundation (grant 17-12262S) and institutional support (RVO 68081766). Capek, M., Petrusková, T., Šebelíková, Z. et al. Bird Study 45:104–108, Honza M, Taborsky B, Taborsky M, Teuschl Y, Vogl W, Moksnes A, Røskaft E (2002) Behaviour of female Common Cuckoos, Cuculus canorus, in the vicinity of host nests before and during egg laying: a radiotelemetry study. Wir zählten die Anzahl der Kara-Silben pro Gesang und bestimmten deren Frequenzspitzen. In: Šťastný K, Hudec K (eds) Fauna of the Czech Republic. Hierfür beobachteten wir die Wirts-Männchen und quantifizierten ihre mit dem Singen verknüpften Verhaltenselemente, inklusive der mit Singen verbrachten Zeit, ihrer räumlichen Bewegungsmuster und der Zeit, die sie singend in ganz bestimmten Körperstellungen an einem Schilfhalm zubrachten. Males were found to have two types of song, called long and short songs. PLoS One 7:e31704. Short songs consisted of relatively few, stereo-typed, low-amplitude syllables, and were given by males during territorial encounters with rival males. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Catchpole CK, Leisler B, Winkler H (1985) Polygyny in the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus: a possible case of deception. Ethol Ecol Evol 13:161–171, Røskaft E, Moksnes A, Stokke MG, Bičík V, Moskát C (2002) Aggression to dummy Cuckoos by potential European Cuckoo hosts. R Foundation for statistical computing, Vienna. We studied a Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) population where annually 30–50% of nests are parasitized by the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). We thank V. Jelínek, M. Šulc, K. Morongová and T. Bolcková for their invaluable help in the field. Proc R Soc B Biol Sci 281:20132665, Janisch M (1948) Fight between Cuculus c. canorus L.—Cuckoo—and Acrocephalus a. arundinaceus L.—Great Reed Warble. All the work adhered to the Animal Care Protocol of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (license number 0008/98-M103) and complies with current Czech law on the protection of animals against mistreatment, as well as with instructions on the activity of collaborators of the Czech Bird Ringing Center. Vogeljaar 7:204–205, Fiorini VD, Tuero DT, Reboreda JC (2009) Host behaviour and nest-site characteristics affect the likelihood of brood parasitism by Shiny Cowbirds on Chalk-browed Mockingbirds. Emu 112:55–59, Forstmeier W, Hasselquist D, Bensch B, Leisler B (2006) Does song reflect age and viability? A test of the nesting-cue hypothesis. Ornis Scand 20:71–73, Robinson WD, Robinson TS (2001) Is host activity necessary to elicit brood parasitism by Cowbirds? Variation in the song structure of the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus was investigated using a variety of observational, analytical and experimental techniques. Academia, Praha, pp 520–521 (in Czech with a summary in English), Kroodsma DE, Miller EH (eds) (1982) Acoustic communication in birds, vol 1 and 2. J Avian Biol 33:420–425, Bates D, Maechler M, Dai B (2008) lme4: linear mixed-effects models using S4 classes. Nestlings typically feed on diptera and arachnids, though this may not be their preferred food. J Ornithol 152:521–532, Poesel A, Foerster K, Kempenaers B (2001) The dawn song of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus and its role in sexual selection. Oecologia 143:167–177, Gill SA, Grieff PM, Staib LM, Sealy SG (1997) Does nest defense deter or facilitate Cowbird parasitism? Accessed 20 October 2016, Begum S, Moksnes A, Røskaft E, Stokke BG (2011) Factors influencing host nest use by the brood parasitic Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopacea). Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Alvarez F (1993) Proximity of trees facilitates parasitism by Cuckoos Cuculus canorus on Rufous Warblers Cercotrichas galactotes. Article  Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. Behav Process 109:21–26, McDonald MV (1989) Function of song in Scott’s Seaside Sparrow, Ammodramus maritimus peninsulae. PubMed  Anim Behav 64:843–850, Węgrzyn E, Leniowski K, Osiejuk T (2010) Whistle duration and consistency reflect philopatry and harem size in Great Reed Warblers. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. We observed host males and quantified their song-related behaviors, including time spent singing, distance of … Accessed 23 November 2016, Grim T, Samaš P, Moskát C, Kleven O, Honza M, Moksnes A, Røskaft E, Stokke BG (2011) Constraints on host choice: why do parasitic birds rarely exploit some common potential hosts? We studied a Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) population where annually 30–50% of nests are parasitized by the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Variation in the song of the great reed warbler. Ornis Fenn 46:78–79, Smith JNM (1981) Cowbird parasitism, host fitness, and age of the host female in an island Song Sparrow population. B. jenen, die mehr Zeit mit Singen verbrachten, beim Herumhüpfen größere Entfernungen zurücklegten und mehr Zeit auf ein und demselben Schilfrohr hockten) eher parasitiert würden als weniger exponierte Männchen. Anim Behav 79:1363–1372, Welbergen JA, Davies NB (2009) Strategic variation in mobbing as a front line of defense against brood parasitism. Long songs were only given spontaneously by unpaired males, and ceased when a female had been attracted. Sign up for our mailing list to get latest updates and offers. Ecography 23:335–341, Øien IJ, Honza M, Moksnes A, Røskaft E (1996) The risk of parasitism in relation to the distance from Reed Warbler nests to Cuckoo perches. A comparison between two populations of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Wilson Bull 112:150–153, Honza M, Øien IJ, Moksnes A, Røskaft E (1998) Survival of Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus clutches in relation to nest position.


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