Click here to view our General Gardening Guides. Good value for $20 for this sedum sod mat which measures about 10″ by 20″. Soil: Sedums like a very well-drained soil with a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. There are dark leaved varieties such as  Sedum telephium  with the RHS merit award (Atropurpureum Group) ' Purple Emperor' see below. Sedums are best planted where they will enjoy good sun with soil that is not too dry. In early spring, dig up the whole plant, cut it in half and reset one half of the plant back in the same whole. Sedum look great when they are emerging with fresh strong green waxy foliage, beautiful just as the buds are emerging, and when fully in flower. Learn about varieties which help to replenish nutrients to your soil. Sedum will thrive even in shallow, lean, and sandy soil and do not typically need added fertilizer. Growth Habit: Sedums are generally grouped into two categories; clumping and creeping. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Trim creeping sedums in spring only if they are growing into unwanted areas or to shape the plant. The exact timing depends very much on the summer weather, anything from the 3rd week of August onwards. Less water, less mowing, and no pesticides. Sign Up For Our Best DealsAnd get $5 off your first qualifying order. However, the seedlings can become too numerous and may need to be weeded out in spring. Sedums can be pruned in early summer to reduce their height. Drop and Grow® is a special collection of no-fuss plants that are so tough, you don't even need to dig a hole to plant them! Good varieties for the garden are those with the RHS merit award which are Sedum 'Ruby Glow' (top right image) which grows up to 25cms; 'Munstead Red' which is taller up to 60cms; and ' Herbstreude' which is of a similar height. I love Sedums they have so much going for them. Available direct from The Sunday Gardener in paperback - for more information, buying options and reviews and how to buy click here. For more information on plants attractive to bees and butterflies, check out the wildlife garden. This must have Sedum will bring long-lasting color to your garden from summer and into fall. Cover the area with heavy gauge polyethene or butyl pond liner Unroll a layer of drainage matting on to … 'Autumn Joy' is a stout, spreading plant with succulent foliage that pairs well with ornamental grasses and against the deep-green leaves of summer perennials. Sedums have minimal water needs and a shallow root system making them ideal to use in a sod-like mat. Although Sedums really are a good egg of a plant, (loved by pollinators and butterflies, low maintenance, easy to grow, flower reliably and more,)  there is this one possible problem with some varieties of Sedum as shown in the image. Butterflies adore the showy blooms of this perennial plant. Sedum spurium is a matt forming low-growing herbaceous perennial that ranges in height from three to six inches (7.5–15 cm), and has a spread of sixteen to twenty-four inches (40–60 cm). Plant sedum seeds in … For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Creeping varieties can have so many flowers that they can turn a garden into a carpet of color. They are all very easy to grow, requiring no attention once planted. Spacing: Space tall growing sedums 1 to 2 feet apart. Sedums, common name stone crop, are a wide-ranging genus of about 400 species with a variety of flowering colours and times. On wet, rich soils, the crown and stems can quickly rot due to diseases such as anthracnose and blight.


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