I'm sure those who are familiar with Touhou's older works will recognize it, but it sounds like a song I did a few years ago. This is Reisen U. Inaba's theme. 霧雨魔理沙のテーマです。ここまで行くと懐かしいもへったくれも無い曲です。封魔録は第2弾ですからねぇ。そんな昔の曲のアレンジです。今の魔理沙でこの曲だと違和感あるかな、と思ったら何にも違和感無くてびっくり。こんなに変わらない人間も珍しいです。魔理沙のテーマ曲は5曲あるんですけどこれが一番それっぽいかな。. The Noah's Ark of the 20th century flew into space, carrying with it hopes and fears. I wanted it to invoke feelings that deviate from the frame of the story. And really, the game makes the songs. 激しいイントロから、途中ちょっと切なさのあるメロディを挿んで、 Touhou 6 : Shanghai Teahouse (Stage 3 Theme) Remix. むしろゲームが曲を創る。 This is the Stage 3 theme. (Haha) This is Fujiwara no Mokou's theme. There was a typo in the sample group .txt so I fixed it (@13 had its directory as "originals" instead of "default"). However, it's unnatural to hear it where it it should not be creepy. Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night, Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon, Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess, Eastern Judgement in the Sixtieth Year ~ Fate of Sixty Years, The Shining Needle Castle Sinking in the Air, The Sky Where Cherry Blossoms Flutter Down, Entrust the World to Idols ~ Idolatrize World, Flower Reflecting Mound ~ after Higan Retour, This Dull World's Unchanging Pessimism ~ Shinkirou Orchestra, Yorimashi Between Dreams and Reality ~ Necro-Fantasia, http://en.touhouwiki.net/index.php?title=Theme_of_Eastern_Story&oldid=414803. エキストラボスはいつも昔のゲームっぽい曲にしている所があります. After the wild intro, there's a mournful melody in the middle I really like the striking melodious feeling conveyed It has a nice short tempo. 3面テーマです。これは懐かしい感じがする……、東方を古くから知っている人には判るかも知れないけど、数年前の私の曲みたいな曲です。創り方も同じテーマは懐かしい感じのする曲、ですが私だけが懐かしく思う曲を創ってどうする(笑)かなりテーマを勘違いしてますね。人生80年代テイスト。. This song is part of "Ghostly Field Club," so many of you might know it. Does "fantastical" really convey "Gensokyo-like"? The theme has nothing to do with mystery or birds or night or anything weird like that. some things never change. In a way, I think it's a jazzy little number. I think it's a good idea to give the first stage a catchy little number, but while it's pretty upbeat, it is rather dark. Note: There is a "!READ ME.txt" file that has the sample bank. 上白沢慧音のテーマです。ミステリアスさと真剣さを強調しました。イントロのピアノがかなり印象的でメロディアスな感じがして、結構気に入ってます。私にとってイーストエイジア、神国の文化は当然進行中です。決して和製の音楽を癒しの材料なんかに貶めるものか。. 東方で終盤ボスっぽい曲って言えばこんな感じ。ほんと、変わりばえ It's sort of laid back and doesn't make her seem too evil. I made it the same way, so it's very nostalgic, but what good It feels like a test of courage that wouldn't scare anybody. A dream battle. But the humans continue to travel. But Imperishable Night is about night and youkai, so it's dark, too. They are just enjoying their lives to the fullest... Night sparrows are a youkai with a voice, yet an invisible apperance. Guess some things never change. I'm actually a little unsure about it, but いつも曲にはテーマがありますが、この曲のテーマはかごめかごめ、 The darkness in Stage 1 doesn't bode very well. 気に入ってます。    富士山が世界遺産に選ばれなかった本当の理由。それは世界程度に選 ラストワードのテーマです。ストーリーの枠から外れた感じを出そうとしました。格好良いようにも見えてそうでもなく。可愛いようにも見えてそうでもなく。不気味なように……は見えなく。ずっと流れていても嫌な気分にならなければ良いんですけどね。. Imperishable Night OST - Extend Ash; Hourai Victim Cover (Extra Stage Theme) Share Download this song. I created it with the innocence of an energetic child mixedwith the images of night and insects. as a bird's singing voice. A history so long that Gensokyo's can't compare I added a little nostalgia to this one. 不気味なように……は見えなく。. Later on it appears in the title screen of almost every Windows game, as well as various other songs. So the soothing elements of Japanese music are never to be taken lightly. This is the Last Word theme. いつもの東方炸裂な感じで。 To me, Japanese culture is sort of a natural progression in East Asia. 終わらない夜。 all via Etsy. This song is an arrangement of the game's title This song is part of "Ghostly Field Club", so many of you might … This is Wriggle Nightbug's theme. The ancient world. ©Copyright 1995-2020 Newgrounds, Inc. All rights reserved. 戦ピー - [touhou] EX Boss Rush Vol 1 / 東方EXボスラッシュ!!+α前編. They're red when you cut them, too. Man, I'd hate to wake up that way. It was meant to be my ultimate blend of Japanese and Western styles. They're not very cool and modern, are they? The song title is the game title as well. なんてクールじゃない、今風じゃない曲なんだろう(笑), Smooth, huh? If you're wondering why this theme is nostalgic, it's an arrangement of a song from a few years ago. I wasn't originally going to plan on doing a Touhou remix of this song, but I decided to do it. This theme is loaded with old memories. That's the kind of atmosphere this song creates. Altogether, the rhythm is odd. * Cover / remake of a third-party piece.Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details. The ending song is never all that upbeat. The capital on the far side of the moon. 表情豊かな子供の無邪気さと、夜と蟲のイメージをミックスさせた I'm not trying for cuteness. ミステリアスな部分と鳥っぽい部分と夜っぽい部分を……、ってよく エンディングのテーマです。いつものです。ああまったり。いつも、エンディング曲はあんまり元気じゃないんだよなぁ。それもなんだかアレです。. 13.A starry night theme wedding definitely calls for star theme jewelry. Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night - Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night (Remix), Tip: When you're about to release your hack, make a patch first, patch it to a clean ROM, and then test, Details for Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night - Retribution for the Eternal Night ~ Imperishable Night (Remix). It feels so explosively Eastern as always. 4面のテーマです。この曲はこのゲームのテーマ曲でもあるタイトル画面曲の編曲となっています。非常に短くテンポが良い曲です。終盤、妖怪の鳴き声の様な笑い声の様な音も入っていますが、おどろおどろしくならない所が普通ではない。全体的に拍子もおかしい。少しずつ狂気が見えて来る気がする。. 鈴仙・U・イナバのテーマです。東方で終盤ボスっぽい曲って言えばこんな感じ。ほんと、変わりばえしないなぁ(笑)激しいイントロから、途中ちょっと切なさのあるメロディを挿んで、サビで吹っ切れる。ああみんな楽しそうだなぁ。. It's still the same. 古の地。   地と血をかけていますが、意味するところは同じ。地と書いた場合は  ユーザーに対しての名前で、血と書いた場合は勿論私に対しての名前。. This theme is a bit out of place. 40 small, wriggling insects. ), so the act itself of putting this song in a shmup is lunacy. DIY some trendy, stylish and beautiful galaxy or starry nail art designs for your wedding. is it if it's only nostalgic to me? I was wondering if this theme still suited Marisa, and what shocked me is that it totally did. Many bright lights in terms of visual effects and bullet patterns were used to accentuate the nighttime backgrounds. I'm sure those who are familiar with Touhou will But Imperishable Night is about night and youkai, so it's dark, too. ですからねぇ。そんな昔の曲のアレンジです。 After the wild intro, there's a mournful melody in the middle before the hook breaks through. 東方の夜   大体、タイトル曲はゲームタイトルが基本。毎回この曲と同時にタイ  トルロゴが出るから。アレは曲名も兼ねているともいえます。. via Etsy. Asian, Western, old, new-- This song isn't one or the other. 未来と言われていた二十一世紀には、不安とほんの少しの幻想だけ, The 20th century voyager-- 物凄く短いフレーズの繰り返しが本能的の焦らせる。 The other theme for this game is "An Old Memory Called Illusion". The real reason why Mt. 14. But it may sometimes happen to count each number one by one when the number itself is important, e.g. And this one is no exception. Just to make a simple rhyme, I used the characters for Spring and Autumn in the title tocreate a mysterious seasonal feeling. Here is another Touhou cover for you! 出来るだけ格好よさや威圧感、パワフルさを抑えて、如何わしさが出るようしました。いやまぁ曲で如何わしくしなくても、キャラだけで十分如何わしいんですが。エキストラボスはいつも昔のゲームっぽい曲にしている所があります今回は大昔のゲームっぽい曲に(ぉ. Imperishable Night OST - Voyage 1969 Cover (Final Stage Theme) Share Download this song. They're invisible to humans. Here in the "future", in the 21st century, only fears and a handful of illusions, ありえない程勇ましかったり、激しかったり、爽やかだったり。 I always like kicking it old school for the Extra Boss song. All laid back. 懐かしさをテーマに、って何故懐かしいかといえば、数年前の曲のア この曲は蓮台野夜行にも収録したので、知っている方も多いかも。. Imperishable Night arrangements listed by song, http://en.touhouwiki.net/index.php?title=Imperishable_Night/Music&oldid=411657. Newgrounds accounts are free and registered users see fewer ads! This time around I really kicked it. The boss seems that way, too, but the stage itself is based in Japanese horror. (Haha) This song brings out a feeling of losing one's cool. that exudes delicate beauty. This is the Last Spell theme. It's rare to see someone so unchanged. Well, as far as title themes go, this is one of my favorites. 月の都の歴史。   月の裏側にある月の都。出来たての幻想郷なんか比じゃないほど古い  歴史を持っている。その都は、今は少々……。. I really like the striking melodious feeling conveyed by the piano in the intro. Notes: 富士山噴火怖いねぇ。富士の煙は色んなもの含んでるからねぇ。今の  富士の中は穢い物も混ざっていて……。  こんな煙が月まで届くから、月も穢れる。. The night that the player has tampered with starts to show it's influence on the varied Redder than red, those are infrared rays. theme from the fourth game, Lotus Land Story. リグル・ナイトバグのテーマです。いつもの東方炸裂な感じで。表情豊かな子供の無邪気さと、夜と蟲のイメージをミックスさせたイメージで創りました。蠢く小さな蟲40。この曲に限らず、今回のMIDI版は完全におまけです。Wavがあったら絶対にWavで聞いてください。Midiでは出せない幻想が含まれてます。. cute and badass.    プレイヤーが弄った夜は、様々なところに影響を与え始めたらしい。 It's both serious and mysterious. surroundings. So Japanese-English music certainly shouldn't be reduced to fluff. sacred that even the world could not choose it. Reimu and co. suddenly realizing that they're outside the atmosphere, doesn't mean they


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