eccezionare. sono (I am) sei (you are) è (he/she/it is) siamo (we are) siete (you [all] are) … Essere (To Be) Irregular. tu fai. Instructions. Plus, even if you memorize all of the verb conjugations, being able … noi facciamo. If you wish the conjugation in the reflexive (pronominal) form, just type the reflexive verb (ie: amarsi, struggersi, spazientirsi, io mi lavo, tu ti pettini). eclissare. First Conjugation Regular Italian Verbs. eccettuare. lui, lei fa. First, here’s an example of how you conjugate –are verbs using the verb nuotare (to swim): nuoto (I swim) nuoti (you swim) lui/lei nuota (he/she swims) noi nuotiamo (we swim) voi nuotate (you [plural] swim) loro nuotano (they swim) Verbs are essential to communicating in any foreign language, and while Italian verbs have a consistent, logical pattern of conjugation, there are still many verbs that are irregular. ecclissare. Type inside the form above the italian verb you wish to conjugate (ie: amare, temere, finire, noi siamo, io vado, che tu sappia). eccitare. echeggiare. eccheggiare. Example: Mi fai … A list of 100 common regular first conjugation verbs: Italian: English: abitare aiutare amare ascoltare aspettare baciare bastare camminare cantare causare cenare chiamare cominciare conservare considerare consigliare costare controllare crollare cucinare curare desiderare dimenticare disegnare fare — “to do, to make” io faccio. loro fanno. voi fate. In the Italian conjugator, you can look for infinitive forms, such as "scherzare", "nascere" or "dormire", but also conjugated forms, such as "tornato", "comprando", "è" or "arriverà". economizzare. eccettare. The conjugator recognizes reflexive verbs such as "alzarsi", "curarsi", "divertirsi" as well as negative forms ("non capire"). Three Conjugations As you know from studying the basics of Italian verbs, they divide in three families based on their endings as grouped in conjugations: verbs in - are (first conjugation), - ere (second conjugation), and - ire (third conjugation). Italian Verb Conjugation.


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