Squirrel Buster Plus - Spring Assembly Replacement - YouTube Well worth the money. Should you ever need a … Squirrel Buster Standard Seed Feeder: Assembling Your Feeder. The Squirrel Buster plus has a great ventilation system that helps keep the seeds fresh. Lives up to its name. The patented Seed Tube Ventilation System in The Squirrel Buster, permits humidity and the warm air to escape through vents at the top of the feeder. Our specialized Finch feeder will attract more Goldfinches, House and Purple Finches. Cancel Unsubscribe. Great birdfeeder. Left to Right: Squirrel Buster Classic, Squirrel Buster Standard and Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus. Absolutely wonderful since having the the Squirrel Buster I have had no issues with the squirrels attacking the feeder; they've tried but they can't get in. Why is my seed wet? Remember the squirrel food. In case something gets broken, you can count on Brome’s customer care. What type of seed should I use in my Squirrel Buster® Plus? Traditional seed tube cover designs block the escape of heated air. I had my Squirrel Buster Plus hanging on a "Shepard’s Crook" style pole and while the squirrels were not able to get at the seed initially, I could see that their squirrel minds were working on a technique to lean out from that pole to the feeder without closing it. Choose the perfect Squirrel Buster for your garden. This … I had my Squirrel Buster Plus hanging on a "Shepard’s Crook" style pole and while the squirrels were not able to get at the seed initially, I could see that their squirrel minds were working on a technique to lean out from that pole to the feeder without closing it. Your birds will get their seed and you'll feel content your bird food won't go to waste. Post Mounted Squirrel Baffles. Which feeders can be pole-mounted? The second a squirrel lands, this weight-activated feeder springs up and moves the feeding ports out of reach behind tightly woven metal mesh. To request any spare parts, please contact Jacobi Jayne directly on 0800 072 0130 with the product number. Unless otherwise stated, squirrel feeders do not ship with food. This is one of the best squirrel proof bird feeds that you can get if you’re … 1. The odd Goldfinch pays a visit, and I have seen a Bullfinch feeding too. By far the best squirrel-proof bird feeders I've owned. Body length, 10 inches, length including hanger, 22 inches. They do not go without, though, as there are always dropped seeds and I leave some on the ground as well. Foils the squirrels every time! Brome Squirrel Buster Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder. Mike Kincaid Recommended for you technology has been stopping squirrels in their tracks for 20 years - saving expensive seed and bringing birds back into gardens. What a excellent present they are as well we frequently have squirrels visit our garden and pleased to say get no joy with the above mentioned feeders. Holds a good amount of seed. As a preemptive strike I purchased the Squirrel Buster … We Do Not Ship This: $89.99: Brome Buster Mini The only small, squirrel proof feeder we've seen. To my complete surprise, there was no reply until I received the top in the mail. Birds that do use ours, are Spotted Woodpeckers, Blue tits, Great tits, Coal tits, Siskins, Greenfinches, Nuthatches, and Long-Tailed tits. I spent so much money on other feeders that were supposed to be anti-squirrel but did not work. Absolutely wonderful since having the the Squirrel Buster I have had no issues with the squirrels attacking the feeder; they've tried but they can't get in. Find out why everyone chooses Squirrel Buster to keep red and gray squirrels out of their feeders. These savings alone pay for the feeder. Will the feeder withstand … Squirrel Buster Seed. Our squirrel-proof bird feeders are 100% effective, totally humane and guaranteed for life. 05 It's the original Squirrel Buster that set the standard for totally squirrel-proof bird feeding. Buy one you won’t regret it, Absolutely brilliant no squirrels no pigeons years of suffering these pests is now a memory. Adjusts easily to stop big birds like pigeons, too. But many are also concerned about hurting these little creatures, even when they make so much trouble. We have the standard feeder, but we use peanuts in it with no problems. The weight of squirrels and other pests instantly shuts off access to food. It was well worth buying as, try as they may to get to the food, they  can’t get to it and they soon give up. beaten every single time - saving your precious seed. Transparent seed tubes are like greenhouses, they trap solar energy. Customer Reviews 523 Lifetime Care™ is our support commitment to you, our customer. Great to but a quality feeder that the squirrels in my garden can't raid for seed. But with Brome’s squirrel buster, they can never beat RoxResin, a chew proof material. Its great to see the squirrels getting frustrated at not getting any food. The escaping air is replaced by fresh air entering through the seed ports. I was so fed up of squirrels eating all the food I put out for the birds. The Squirrel Buster Suet is weight adjustable and has a closing mechanism that shuts out squirrels as well as some of the heavier and undesirable birds. Squirrel Be Gone Country. This can be handy for those who want to feed both birds and squirrels but don’t want to buy separate feeders. The weight of a gray squirrel shuts down the mesh layer, blocking the food supply. The only major downside of the Squirrel Buster … I spent so much money on other feeders that were supposed to be anti-squirrel but did not work. It does not work. Wood pigeons can't get to the nuts either, due to their weight. Very effective. So I'm happy that I can fill it with seed knowing that it will last longer and that only the birds in my garden will benefit. How to Grow Roses From Cuttings Fast and Easy | Rooting Rose Cuttings with a 2 Liter Soda Bottle - Duration: 28:23. ... Why not work on getting one and enjoy the squirrels falling away from the feeder every time they try. Equipped with patented Squirrel Buster technology, this Brome 1015 Squirrel Buster Classic bird feeder offers an innovative design that attracts birds while keeping squirrels at bay. Squirrel Buster Standard Overall Best. Meet the tough, totally squirrel proof bird feeder that's perfect for every garden. Determined not to be defeated by squirrels, I jumped at the opportunity to review a Squirrel Buster Wild Bird Feeder, produced by Brome Bird Care. Worth every penny as no bird food is eaten by squirrels. 4 million Squirrel Buster® owners prove it, The world's best squirrel-proof bird feeders. Your birds will get their seed and you'll feel content your bird food won't go to waste. Loved by many perching and clinging species. Like all other Brome feeders, the Squirrel Buster also comes with a lifetime care warranty. … Fill with sunflower seeds and blends. The Negative Grip Tube prevents squirrels from grasping the wire hanger with their hind legs, hanging down alongside the feeder and defeating the closing mechanism. Choose the perfect Squirrel Buster   for your garden. The Brome Squirrel Buster … I like so many things about this particular bird feeder. Squirrels still visit the garden but no longer bother to inspect the bird feeders. heliflyer7. Have had my bird feeder since December 2018 and the squirrels have not destroyed it, still going strong.


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