Meaning and examples for 'supermarket' in Spanish-English dictionary. Translation of supermarket at Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. Prices are clearly posted, and supermarkets may carry foods that you’re more accustomed to. hombre, perro, casa). Traduce supermarket. The Spanish for supermarket is supermercado. Prices are clearly posted, and supermarkets may carry foods that you’re more accustomed to. ¿Dónde se pesa la verdura?Where does one weight the vegetables? So far you can find Easy Spanish for Traveling and Easy Spanish for Restaurants. el hombre, el sol). supermarket translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'supertanker',superman',superheat',superstar', examples, definition, conjugation The rest is vocabulary lists, grouped by category, Enjoy and become an expert at talking in Spanish at the Supermarket! Comprarto buy Prices are clearly posted, and supermarkets may carry foods that you’re more accustomed to. When you’re buying groceries at a Spanish supermarket, or supermercado (soo-pehr-mehr- kah -doh), it’s helpful to know some Spanish words and phrases related to shopping. After this you’ll know the Spanish words for some common foods, and how to ask for certain quantities in Spanish. Pesar la fruta/verdurato weight the fruit/vegetables supermarket en Español - Traducción de la palabra supermarket por Nglish, amplio diccionario y traducción en español-inglés e inglés-español, traducción y aprendizaje del inglés. We’ll teach you the Spanish words for different types of shops, and how to ask for what you need in a store. Our family goes shopping at the supermarket on Sundays. At a supermercado, you proceed very much as you do in the United States. Spanish Translation of “supermarket” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Listen to the Spanish pronunciation and practice saying the Spanish phrases aloud, just as you would in a grocery store. ¿Me da el tique de compra, por favor?Can I have the receipt, please? Empujar el carritoto push the shopping cart A well-stocked Spanish supermarket wine section. See 12 authoritative translations of Grocery in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Coger un productoto grab a product (In Spain) Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011. √ 100% FREE. Pedir el tique de comprato ask for the receipt. VINO DE TINAJA LAGAR BLANCO 5L. , ¿Dónde está la panadería?Where is the bakery? Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary. La marcabrand Report an error or suggest an improvement. ¿A cuánto está el kilo de ternera?How much is a kilo of beef? / ¿Alguna cosa más?Anything else? (Click to learn Spanish “Ser” Vs. “Estar”). Translate Grocery. Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. Carrefour supermarketCarrefour is a multinational distribution chain of French origin, being the first … Pedir algo en la carniceríato order at the Butcher’s shop Pagarto pay Pagar en efectivoto pay with money La charcuteríapork butcher’s shop Is something important missing? Navega tu cursor sobre uno de los cuadros para aprender nuevas palabras con la misma raíz. Discussions about 'supermarket' in the English Only forum, ⓘ One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term, a never-ending supermarket sweep of identity construction, Admitted robbing/stealing the supermarket, everyday low-price/deal-intensive supermarket, Supermarket Departments (Bakery, Produce, Wine), Supermarket shelves are stocked with poison, unimpressed with the standard of hygiene in the supermarket.
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